
We are Grouptrail.

Since 2004, our platform has evolved from a focus on project portfolio management and customer relationship management with group messaging to a visual database for tracking people and processes. At its core, Grouptrail has always been a collaborative database tool for workflow management.

Grouptrail is a proven and tested platform hosting millions of workspaces including 1,000 partner organizations tracked by school districts across college, career, and strategic partnerships; 200,000 students working on over a million tasks needed to enroll in college, participating in career and work-based learning experiences, attending STEM and after school programs; and so much more.

We've worked with Disney, Fox, HBO, Hyatt, Nike, Sony, Scholastic, England’s National Health Service, New York City Department of Education, Portland Public Schools, Metro Portland regional government, Scholastic, World Bank funded initiatives, and many other companies, government agencies, universities, and nonprofits in countries across the globe.

What started it all?

A decade into our corporate careers, like many others we were frustrated with all the wasted time and unsatisfying database systems out there, draining our creativity, not encouraging it.

Whatever they are called (file sharing programs, intranets, knowledge management tools, project management software, content management systems), most were uninspiring, overly complicated, not comprehensive enough and had minimal support.

Why can’t these systems be simple to use, adaptable for anyone and cost effective?

It all seemed like common sense to us that people would want something like Grouptrail.

Grouptrail is powered by FMYI, Inc., a Certified Minority Business Enterprise software company headquartered in Portland, Oregon and founded by Justin Yuen.

Justin left Nike where he was a Senior Manager in Corporate Sustainable Development to pursue this quest.

Nike believed in it too and helped get the company started. And for that, we’re eternally grateful to Nike.

So began our journey in 2004.

What do we believe in?

Like our network of partners—customers, contractors, vendors—we care more about producing outcomes than simply reaching goals.

Recognized as a pioneer in social collaboration software and featured in TechCrunch, Bloomberg, the New York Times and other publications, we are committed to serving leaders and managers driving measurable change.

As a company, we’re passionate about empowering and inspiring people in their shared mission to make a difference. We think of our customers as teammates. We’re honored that so many have chosen to use Grouptrail’s services, and the whole team works hard to provide personal one-on-one support to make the experience even better. Full ongoing customer and technical support is always included. You’re always welcome to contact us. Or call us: +1.971.222.3016.

Our team likes to work smart and spend time with family and friends as part of a full life. Probably like you. We also believe in being a force for good. That’s the Grouptrail way. We support community groups including the Grouptrail Cycling TeamJustice + Joy National Collaborative, the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, QTBIPOC Design, and others.

Grouptrail is a proven and tested platform hosting millions of workspaces worldwide for education organizations, nonprofits, government agencies, and companies — of all sizes.

Meet the team

Our team collaborates online and remotely everyday.

Ariela Friedman

Director of Strategy, Education And Community Development

Atlanta, Georgia

Chris Atencio

Senior Software Engineer

New Orleans, Louisiana

Courtney Timm

Customer Success Manager

Sherwood, Oregon

Joy Tayler

Customer Success Consultant

Orlando, Florida

Justin Yuen


Portland, Oregon

Michael Woodson

Director of Technology

Austin, Texas

Susan Scott

Customer Success Specialist

Aloha, Oregon

Darick Dang

UI/UX Design

Portland, Oregon